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发表日期: 2015-03-30 作者: Caroline Pabst 文章来源:《自然—方法学》
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该技术还能用于血癌等疾病的快速检测。不同基因结合而成的“融合基因”被认为与部分癌症有关,已知与血癌有关的融合基因就有约200个。当前检查技术只能一个个地检测融合基因,而“捕获测序”能同时寻找上述全部200个基因,大大加快诊断速度,为救治患者争取时间。(来源:新华社 万思琦)


Identification of small molecules that support human leukemia stem cell activity ex vivo


Abstract  Leukemic stem cells (LSCs) are considered a major cause of relapse in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Defining pathways that control LSC self-renewal is crucial for a better understanding of underlying mechanisms and for the development of targeted therapies. However, currently available culture conditions do not prevent spontaneous differentiation of LSCs, which greatly limits the feasibility of cell-based assays. To overcome these constraints we conducted a high-throughput chemical screen and identified small molecules that inhibit differentiation and support LSC activity in vitro. Similar to reports with cord blood stem cells, several of these compounds suppressed the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) pathway, which we show to be inactive in vivo and rapidly activated ex vivo in AML cells. We also identified a compound, UM729, that collaborates with AhR suppressors in preventing AML cell differentiation. Together, these findings provide newly defined culture conditions for improved ex vivo culture of primary human AML cells.



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