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发表日期: 2014-04-23 作者: M. Jones等 文章来源:《eLife》
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The NiTrac sensor developed by Cheng Hsun Ho and Wolf Frommer of the Carnegie Institution will enable non-invasive real-time monitoring of nitrogen acquisition in action in plant roots, providing a new tool set that can be used to improve nitrogen efficiency. The novel sensor technology is widely applicable and useful also for cancer and neurobiology.




包括Carnegie's Wolf Frommer在内的研究团队的新工作将首次允许研究人员能够实时测量单个植物细胞的脱落酸含量。研究结果发表在《eLife》。



 “应该有更多的工作来揭示植物细胞对激素信号的响应和应答微调。这些工具也可以应用于人类和动物激素,”Frommer说。(编译:中国科学院成都生物研究所 王芋华,王海燕)


Abscisic acid dynamics in roots detected with genetically encoded FRET sensors


Abstract  Cytosolic hormone levels must be tightly controlled at the level of influx, efflux, synthesis, degradation and compartmentation. To determine ABA dynamics at the single cell level, FRET sensors (ABACUS) covering a range 0.2–800 µM were engineered using structure-guided design and a high-throughput screening platform. When expressed in yeast, ABACUS1 detected concentrative ABA uptake mediated by the AIT1/NRT1.2 transporter. Arabidopsis roots expressing ABACUS1-2µ (Kd2 µM) and ABACUS1-80µ (Kd80 µM) respond to perfusion with ABA in a concentration-dependent manner. The properties of the observed ABA accumulation in roots appear incompatible with the activity of known ABA transporters (AIT1, ABCG40). ABACUS reveals effects of external ABA on homeostasis, that is, ABA-triggered induction of ABA degradation, modification, or compartmentation. ABACUS can be used to study ABA responses in mutants and quantitatively monitor ABA translocation and regulation, and identify missing components. The sensor screening platform promises to enable rapid fine-tuning of the ABA sensors and engineering of plant and animal hormone sensors to advance our understanding of hormone signaling.





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