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发表日期: 2013-07-26 作者: Tatsuya Hirasawa等 文章来源:《Nature Communications》
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Juvenile soft-shelled turtle swimming up to breathe the air. In most reptiles, birds and mammals, the rib cage movement aids breathing, but in the evolution towards turtles, the rib cage was transformed into the immovable shell covering the animal's back





为了探讨龟壳的进化是否有源自其祖先的外骨骼成分,Tatsuya Hirasawa博士和及其团队仔细观察中国软壳龟类、鸡和短吻鳄发育中的胚胎。





“最近,基因组分析已经向我们证明,龟从鳄鱼和恐龙的近亲爬行动物演变而来,而不是从曾经所认为的原始爬行动物进化而成。我们的研究结果与基因组分析揭示的进化史相匹配,并且我们将要解开龟壳演变的时间和进程这个谜,”这项研究的负责人Tatsuya Hirasawa博士解释道。


The endoskeletal origin of the turtle carapace

Abstract The turtle body plan, with its solid shell, deviates radically from those of other tetrapods. The dorsal part of the turtle shell, or the carapace, consists mainly of costal and neural bony plates, which are continuous with the underlying thoracic ribs and vertebrae, respectively. Because of their superficial position, the evolutionary origins of these costo-neural elements have long remained elusive. Here we show, through comparative morphological and embryological analyses, that the major part of the carapace is derived purely from endoskeletal ribs. We examine turtle embryos and find that the costal and neural plates develop not within the dermis, but within deeper connective tissue where the rib and intercostal muscle anlagen develop. We also examine the fossils of an outgroup of turtles to confirm that the structure equivalent to the turtle carapace developed independently of the true osteoderm. Our results highlight the hitherto unravelled evolutionary course of the turtle shell.


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