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发表日期: 2011-11-09 作者: Neil L. Kelleher 文章来源:《自然》
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近日由美国伊利诺大学和西北大学化学生物学家Neil Kelleher领导的一个研究小组开发了一项新技术,利用这一技术研究人员快速分离和鉴别了数千个完整的蛋白质分子。这一研究发现对推动科学家们解析疾病机制,实现早期诊断疾病及靶向性治疗具有重要的意义。这一研究成果于10月30日在线发表在《自然》(Nature)杂志上。




在这篇文章中,研究人员开发出了一个新型的四维分离系统(four-dimensional separation system),利用它鉴别了人类细胞中1043个基因编码,在经过翻译后修饰(PTEM)、RNA剪接和蛋白质水解作用后生成的3000多种蛋白质。这一系统将蛋白质的分离效率及蛋白质组的覆盖率提高了20倍,从而鉴别出了105 kDa大小,包含11个跨膜螺旋的蛋白。此外,还检测出了许多从前难以发现的内源性人类蛋白异构体。结合最新的Swiss-Prot数据库数据,研究人员揭示出了个别基因和全部蛋白质分子之间的相互关系。

“分析细胞中表达的全部蛋白质对于蛋白质组学领域来说是一个重大的技术挑战,”美国国立卫生研究所下属国家常规医学科学研究所蛋白质组研究基金负责人Charles Edmonds说:“Kelleher博士及同事利用多重分离与质谱分析法相结合的新技术将蛋白质组的覆盖率提高了超过一个数量级,这标志蛋白质组学研究一个新的开端。”

Mapping intact protein isoforms in discovery mode

 using top-down proteomics

Abstract A full description of the human proteome relies on the challenging task of detecting mature and changing forms of protein molecules in the body. Large-scale proteome analysis1 has routinely involved digesting intact proteins followed by inferred protein identification using mass spectrometry2. This ‘bottom-up’ process affords a high number of identifications (not always unique to a single gene). However, complications arise from incomplete or ambiguous2 characterization of alternative splice forms, diverse modifications (for example, acetylation and methylation) and endogenous protein cleavages, especially when combinations of these create complex patterns of intact protein isoforms and species3. ‘Top-down’ interrogation of whole proteins can overcome these problems for individual proteins4, 5, but has not been achieved on a proteome scale owing to the lack of intact protein fractionation methods that are well integrated with tandem mass spectrometry. Here we show, using a new four-dimensional separation system, identification of 1,043 gene products from human cells that are dispersed into more than 3,000 protein species created by post-translational modification (PTM), RNA splicing and proteolysis. The overall system produced greater than 20-fold increases in both separation power and proteome coverage, enabling the identification of proteins up to 105 kDa and those with up to 11 transmembrane helices. Many previously undetected isoforms of endogenous human proteins were mapped, including changes in multiply modified species in response to accelerated cellular ageing (senescence) induced by DNA damage. Integrated with the latest version of the Swiss-Prot database6, the data provide precise correlations to individual genes and proof-of-concept for large-scale interrogation of whole protein molecules. The technology promises to improve the link between proteomics data and complex phenotypes in basic biology and disease research7.




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